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Finding the right loan for the right home. 比较 our popular mortgages.


Fixed-率 抵押贷款


  • 利率和付款在贷款期间保持不变
  • Available in terms of 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, and 30 years
  • 首付款低至购买价格的5% -包括首次购房者


  • You want predictable monthly payments that will not change
  • You plan to stay in your home for several years
  • 权衡:利率通常高于可调利率抵押贷款
Fixed-率 抵押贷款 感兴趣 率  4月  点  每月 付款 贷款期限 (个月)


30年期固定 6.375% 6.410% 0.000 $1,871.61 360
20年的固定 6.375% 6.422% 0.000 $2,214.70 240
15年固定 6.000% 6.058% 0.000 $2,531.57 180


30年期固定 6.625% 6.661% -0.125 $1,920.93 360
20年的固定 6.500% 6.547% 0.000 $2,236.72 240
15年固定 6.375% 6.433% 0.000 $2,592.75 180

固定利率 effective as of January 2, 2024.请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio and other factors, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月 支付 based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, and loan amount of $300,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.


  • 利率和付款在一段时间内是固定的,然后再调整
  • 3/6月供货, 5/6, 7/6 ARM terms with 30-year amortization terms, as well as 5/5 30-year, 5/5 15年期限
  • 一些选项提供高达90%的融资,没有私人抵押贷款保险(PMI)
  • Low fees and closing costs


  • You want lower payments at the start of the loan
  • 你计划在短时间内拥有你的房子
  • Possibility of lower rates in the future
  • Trade-off: After the set rate period is over, 利率可以根据市场情况而上升


Adjustable 率 抵押贷款 (ARM) 感兴趣 率  4月  点  最初的月度 付款 最大的月度 付款


5/5臂30年 6.500% 6.308% 0.000
个月61 - 360
7/6臂30年 6.875% 7.608% 0.000
个月1 - 84
个月85 - 360
5/6 ARM 30年 6.875% 7.786% 0.000
个月61 - 360


5/5臂30年 7.000% 6.510% 0.000
个月61 - 360
7/6臂30年 7.375% 7.871% 0.000
个月1 - 84
个月85 - 360
5/6 ARM 30年 7.375% 7.991% 0.000
个月61 - 360

可调利率 effective as of January 2, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio and other factors, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月 支付 based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, and loan amount of $300,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.

The 5/5 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial five-year period, 你的利率可以每5年增加或减少一次,直到第15年,利率可以根据5年期国债的平均收益率每年增加或减少, plus our margin (2.25%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 7/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前7年的初始利率是固定的(84次付款). After the initial seven-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial seven-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. 以美元计价的30天SOFR存款收益率加上我们的保证金.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款85-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 3/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前3年的初始利率是固定的(36次付款)。. After the initial three-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial three-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. 以美元计价的30天SOFR存款收益率加上我们的保证金.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,因此付款37-360的估计月供是基于当前指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 5/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial five-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. 以美元计价的30天SOFR存款收益率加上我们的保证金.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.


  • No Private 抵押贷款 保险 (PMI) required
  • Down payments as low as 5% of purchase price
  • Single-family loans up to $450,000
  • Fixed- and Adjustable-率 options


  • You do not have a substantial down payment saved
  • You want to avoid the extra cost of PMI
  • 在整个抵押贷款过程中,你会从额外的帮助和建议中受益
  • 权衡:利率可能略高于传统的固定利率和可调利率选项


感兴趣 率  4月  点  每月 付款 贷款期限 (个月)
30年期固定 6.625% 6.657% 0.000 $2,129.03 360
20年的固定 6.500% 6.542% 0.000 $2,479.03 240
15年固定 6.125% 6.177% 0.000 $2,828.33 180


感兴趣 率  4月  最初的月度 付款 最大的月度 付款
5/5臂30 6.750% 6.405%
个月61 - 360
7/6臂30 7.125% 7.736%
个月1 - 84
个月85 - 360

First Time 首页。buyer 利率 effective as of January 2, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为95%的借款人,并且是基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio and other factors, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月 支付 based on purchase price of $350,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 5% or more down payment, and loan amount of $332,500; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.

可调利率 effective as of January 2, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为95%的借款人,并且是基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio and other factors, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. 基于购买价格$350的月付款,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 5% or more down payment, and loan amount of $332,500; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.

The 5/5 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial five-year period, 你的利率可以每5年增加或减少一次,直到第15年,利率可以根据5年期国债的平均收益率每年增加或减少, plus our margin (2.25%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 7/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前7年的初始利率是固定的(84次付款). After the initial seven-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial seven-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. 以美元计价的30天SOFR存款收益率加上我们的保证金.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款85-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.


  • 还清你现有的抵押贷款,然后换一个新的, usually to secure a better interest rate or term
  • Refinance to fixed-rate mortgages or adjustable-rate loans
  • Low fees and closing costs


  • 你想通过减少每月的按揭付款来节省一些预算
  • You want to shorten the term of your mortgage
  • 权衡:最低利率通常会带来一些费用和成交成本


感兴趣 率  4月  点  每月 付款 贷款期限 (个月)
30年期固定 6.625% 6.661% -0.125 $1,920.93 360
20年的固定 6.500% 6.547% 0.000 $2,236.72 240
15年固定 6.375% 6.433% 0.000 $2,592.75 180


感兴趣 率  4月  点  最初的月度 付款 最大的月度 付款
5/5臂30年 7.000% 6.510% 0.000
个月61 - 360
7/6臂30年 7.375% 7.871% 0.000
个月1 - 84
个月85 - 360
5/6 ARM 30年 7.375% 7.991% 0.000
个月61 - 360

固定利率 effective as of January 2, 2024.请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio and other factors, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月 支付 based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, and loan amount of $300,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.

可调利率 effective as of January 2, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio and other factors, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月 支付 based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, and loan amount of $300,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.

The 5/5 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial five-year period, 你的利率可以每5年增加或减少一次,直到第15年,利率可以根据5年期国债的平均收益率每年增加或减少, plus our margin (2.25%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 7/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前7年的初始利率是固定的(84次付款). After the initial seven-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial seven-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. 以美元计价的30天SOFR存款收益率加上我们的保证金.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款85-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 5/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial five-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. 以美元计价的30天SOFR存款收益率加上我们的保证金.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 3/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前3年的初始利率是固定的(36次付款)。. After the initial three-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, 4月, 在剩余的贷款期限内,还款额可能会大幅增加. After the initial three-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. 以美元计价的30天SOFR存款收益率加上我们的保证金.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,因此付款37-360的估计月供是基于当前指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.


  • 当抵押贷款的金额超过房利美和房地美设定的贷款服务限额时的贷款
  • 提供多种贷款条件,包括固定利率和可调利率贷款
  • Covers purchase and refinance amounts up to $1 million
  • 不需要PMI


  • 你想避免借两笔或更多的贷款来购买房屋
  • 权衡:利率可能略高于传统的住房贷款和信贷要求是严格的


  • As low as 10% down payment
  • 类似于标准的购买或再融资,但它涉及确定未来价值.
  • During construction, 你每月根据给建筑商的资金支付利息
  • After the one-year construction term, 贷款以相同的利率转为永久性融资
  • 12个月的建设期限,90%的贷款价值比(LTV)高达750,000美元,85%的LTV高达1,000,000美元


  • You like one-stop shopping and want one closing
  • You want to pay interest only during construction
  • Lot equity may be credited toward your down payment
  • Indiana and Owner-Occupancy only
  • 无需PMI


  • 为未改善的土地提供资金,用于建造您的主要住所
  • Finance up to 80% of the lot value up to $250,000 maximum
  • 1-year maximum term


  • 你正在建造一个新家,需要为它所处的土地提供资金
  • Trade-off: Requires 20% or higher down payment


  • 抵押贷款 guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
  • 适用于美国退伍军人,现役军人,预备役人员和幸存的配偶
  • No down payment or PMI required


  • You are serving or have served in the U.S. 军人和想利用抵押贷款没有首付